
Thank you for your Generosity! We are on a journey to Love God, Love People, and Actively Serve in the World.

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How Can I Give?

You can give as a Guest without logging in, for the easiest method of making a donation. Alternately, to track your donations, you can make an account with Vanco Online for online giving. If you don’t have an account, click on Login In, and then Sign Up, and follow the directions to create your account. See step-by-step directions by CLICKING HERE.

Cash, checks, automatic withdrawal, debit/credit cards on line (See above.): You may choose to give weekly with a check or cash that you bring or mail to the church. You may prefer to have an automatic withdrawal made from your checking. Contact the church office at (541) 432-3102, and we will help you set that up. You can also give online (See above).

Gifts other than cash and checks: You may give stocks, mutual funds, bonds, insurance, real estate, jewelry, and other personal property. Often the donor can realize a tax benefit. Contact the church office at (541) 432-3102.

Gifts through estate planning: Estate planning allows you to leave a legacy for your children, grandchildren, and ongoing ministry of Joseph United Methodist Church. You may give through insurance, wills, trusts, charitable gift annuities, retirement accounts and life estates. Contact the church office at (541) 432-3102.

Why Should I Give?

Giving is a practice in letting go and trusting in something other than ourselves. Giving is a response to God’s grace as well as a means to open to that grace.

Our monetary support enables the church to accomplish God’s mission in our world. In return we grow spiritually through giving as we allow God to reorganize our priorities to align with the unfolding of God’s love in our midst.

Three truths lay the foundation for how we approach this area of discipleship called stewardship:

  • God created everything.
  • God owns everything.
  • We are not owners of our stuff, but trustees.

Once we are able to offer God control of our finances, we can offer God our entire lives, and experience the spiritual freedom and joy that God intends for us.

How Much Should I Give?

All of us are on a journey of growing in the ways of love. Financial giving is one of the ways we are invited to “pay it forward.”

The invitation is to go to the edge of your comfort zone and stretch a little. For each person that will be different. For some it is 1-2% of their income and for others it is 10% and beyond.